The HCC has been busy! Our Chess in a Cave event made National News! Thanks to David Hayes for publicizing what’s become our flagship scholastic annual event. USCF Online Magazine
We fielded 2 teams for the Alabama State Scholastic Chess Championship. We had 3 organic HCC members and were thankfully able to “borrow” a player from the MCCL for our K-6 Club team, who played board 2, and a board 4 from the Chess Kids Nation for the High School club team. We were very happy to join forces to allow some kids to play on Sunday of the tournament, who otherwise would not have been able to. They all played their games as though they were playing for their original clubs.
It was kind of a spur of the moment thing to put a team together, so we went in looking to have fun without a lot of expectations, but both teams performed really well for their first 4 vs 4 team tournament. Noteworthy achievements were a draw against Expert Om Badhe, and a win over an 1800+ player, on Board 1 by Joel Friedman and a near perfect score 3.5/4 by Patrick Dowd on Board 1 in the K-6 Club section.

Joel Friedman placed 4th in the K-12 (Open) Individual Championship on Saturday.

No chess player is too good for a pick-up game on the hallway floor of a tournament!
Both Patrick Dowd and Larisa Friedman from the HCC served as TDs for the K-3 and K-6 sections of the tournament on both days. It was hard work, but a lot of fun!

In our last post, we detailed the Raytheon Engineering Week Simul led by John Morash, but we failed to include a photo. Here it is!

Last week we attended our normally scheduled chess meeting at the Huntsville Public Library and 22+ people showed up to play! There was a great mix of all ages and skill levels. We held a free, unrated G10; d0 tournament, won by Tomasz Nielsen.