Registration for the tournament is now closed.
Tag Archives: chess tournament
Weekly News – 5/27/19 No chess in Observance of Memorial Day
On Monday, 5/27, the library will be closed and we will be taking a week off in observance of Memorial Day. We’ll we back on June 3rd.
The Huntsville Chess Club brought 6 people to the Vulcan chess tournament on 5/25 in Birmingham. Results will follow.
We’re about a month away from the State Championship Quick and Blitz Tournament in Hampton Cove on June 29th. Register here now and support the Huntsville Chess Club. We don’t get many opportunities to host a state championship locally. The venue can only accommodate 40 players, maximum, so space is limited. Please take advantage!
!This Weekend! Vulcan Tournament Carpool Opportunity
Tournament info is located here. 4-Round G/60;d5. Premier, Reserve (U1700), and Rook (U1200) sections. You’ll need to be a USCF, HCC, and ACF member to play in this tournament.
This weekend on Saturday, Caesar Lawrence is hosting the 2019 Vulcan Chess Tournament in Birmingham, AL. If you are interested in attending, please email asap! We’ll meet at the library and depart at 6AM sharp.
We always have a lot of fun on these trips, so please join us! If you haven’t played in your first chess tournament, it’s a great opportunity to come along and we can guide you through the process. Please also let us know if you need to borrow/buy equipment so we can bring it on Saturday.
Transportation slots will be first-come first serve. We can take 8 total. Let us know if you can make it now!
Weekly News 5/6/19 – Nashville Swiss Trip Update
5/4/19 – A group from the Huntsville Chess Club traveled to Nashville, TN to participate in the “Return of the Monthly Swiss” tournament. Despite the rain, or perhaps because of it, they were in high spirits about the day of challenging chess games that lay ahead.

The rounds were fast and furious, with the players hardly getting a chance to breath between them. Lunch was required to be brought in from Hattie B’s, compliments of the Huntsville Chess Club. Both Patrick and Tomasz were brave enough to try the “Shut the cluck up” heat flavor, while Ashish instead opted for the safer, “Damn”.
The tournament concluded with Ashish tied for 2nd place in a field of strong competitors. Abhi tied for a Class prize. Abhi gained an astounding 156 rating points for his performance! Tomasz gained over 100!
For complete tournament results, click here.

The Model X was an instant hit with the engineering/tech geek group.
Following the awards presentation, the battle-worn players headed home. But what trip to Nashville would be complete without a trip to the Tesla dealership?!
Keep up with HCC blogs to catch the next tournament carpool opportunity. They’re always a lot of fun.
See you at the club on Monday!
Saturday Nashville Tournament Opportunity
If you have not had an opportunity to visit the Nashville Chess Center, why not come along with us and play in a 4-round, G45 tournament this Saturday? Let us do the driving, while you mentally prepare and enjoy the ride! Fuel contributions are never required, but always appreciated.
The entry fee is $30 and USCF membership is required. If you need to register for the USCF, you can do that here. Payment will be accepted onsite at the NCC, so please bring cash. Sets and clocks may or may not be required, but if you don’t have one, you can either purchase one here or we can let you borrow a set and clock for the day. Just let us know.
The tournament info is located here.
If you’re interested, please either comment on this post or send an email to We can take a total of 8 people in our vehicle, but seats fill up quickly. So don’t delay!
The NCC also holds a Quad Tournament on Friday night. If you would prefer to drive up early and stay in a hotel that evening to participate in that event as well, please let us know. We’ll consider that option, based upon the input from the attendees. Otherwise, the tentative plan is to meet at the library at 7AM on Saturday and return that evening after the tournament concludes at 5PM.
Weekly News – G60; d5 Tournament
In appreciation for our membership who have patiently waited for a tournament of G60 or higher, we plan to hold one spreading across 5 weeks starting Monday, 3/18. Please sign up using the links below. You will need to be both a USCF and HCC member to play. You can register for these groups if you need to using the links below.
If you haven’t yet played in a standard rated USCF tournament, what are you waiting for? We will help you through it in a much lower pressure environment than typical tournaments. As always, if you don’t want to play in the tournament, there will still be an opportunity to play other folks who aren’t participating.
As a reminder, the HCC will be driving down to Birmingham this weekend to play in the Caesar tournament there. We still have one spot available if you would like to join us! Just email and let us know if you do or if you have any questions.
One Open Section – Conference room registration is down, so these games will be played in the typical club playing area or off to the side of it.
5 Rounds Swiss System G60; d5 – Games will begin as promptly by 6pm as possible. Please let us know if you are going to be late on a given week. Otherwise, we’ll try to wait for you to arrive before starting.
Entry Fee: $10
Prize: Antique WWII era heirloom chess set.
Byes: 1/2 point bye available for all but the final round.
Depending upon whether we will have access to the equipment, Board 1 games may be broadcast live!
Birmingham Classic Carpool Opportunity
We sent this information out via email last week, but it appears that some did not receive it. Sending again as a reminder and in case those who didn’t receive it are interested.
Birmingham Classic 3/16/19 – Tournament Details
If you are considering attending the Birmingham Classic tournament on 3/16, you may want to join us as we carpool down on Saturday morning and back immediately following the tournament.
We can take 5 additional people in my vehicle (7 total). First-come, first served. If you’re interested, please reply to this email directly. Also, please indicate if you’re willing to drive your vehicle as well (in the event that we have more than 5 folks interested in attending). Gas money contributions are appreciated, but not required.
For new members (and a refresher for our more seasoned membership) –
Recently, we’ve had a lot of new folks come out to play chess with us at the library, which we think is AWESOME! The tournament population is similar to that of our meetings. There are plenty of people at all skill levels to compete against. So, don’t think that just because you’re new, you won’t stand a chance. There are even prizes designed for the different levels and sections!
In contrast to our weekly meetings, most tournaments require you to provide your own equipment. If you don’t have a tournament set, we can lend you one or sell you a complete board, set, clock, and bag for $35 so you’ll be able to participate in any tournament you would like to in the future. The club makes a few bucks on this discounted deal, but it’s still a better deal than you’ll be able to find anywhere else. We don’t want equipment costs to stand in the way of tournament chess!
To attend this tournament with us, you’ll need to be a HCC, USCF, and ACF member (USCF and ACF are all that’s required for the tournament, itself, but HCC membership is required to catch a free ride with us). That might sound like a lot if you’re thinking about playing in your first tournament, but there are unique benefits to holding membership in each organization. If you aspire to become (or think you might) an active tournament participant, it’s an investment that easily pays for itself.
If you’re still reading this post, why not give it a shot?
Birmingham Classic 3/16/19 – Tournament Details – send an email to and include name, USCF ID, and what section you would like to be entered into.
HCC Membership
USCF Membership
ACF Membership
If you have never played in a USCF rated tournament, it’s an intense and rewarding experience, but it can be overwhelming for first-time participants. Attending with a group of friends can take a lot of the stress out of it. Please let us know if you have any questions. We are happy to walk you through each step of the process.
Weekly News 2/4/19 – What should we do?

Standing | Name | Quick Rating | Score |
1 | Jonathan Rasberry | 1869 | 3 |
2 | Joel Friedman | 1506 | 3 |
3 | Michael Porter | 1316 | 3 |
4 | David Hayes | 1588 | 2 |
5 | Tomasz Nielsen | 1184 | 2 |
6 | Larisa Friedman | unr. | 2 |
7 | Theo Handley | unr. | 1 |
8 | Brandon Cantu | unr. | 0 |
Tactics Competition Results
The results of the HCC’s first ever tactics competition are listed below. It was a ton of fun!
The points listed are out of a possible 30. If you missed out and wanted to try your luck at solving the problems, the worksheet and corresponding solutions are embedded for printing below.
In the future, we’re considering having paid events with prizes awarded to the top of the designated rating classes. If you have any thoughts on this, please comment below.
This and all future results will be archived here.
- Andy May (25)
- Logan Richie (19)
- Pat Dowd (19)
- Sarah May (19)
- John Dougherty (18)
- Thomas Nielson (18)
- Willie Sandifer (14)
- Michael Porter (8)
- David Richie (5)
Last Minute Tournaments Scheduled this Weekend
Edit: I don’t mean to imply the the organizers planned these tournaments at the last minute, only that you have the last-minute option of attending them!
In case you feel like putting your skills to the test, there are a lot of tournaments this weekend and I’m not sure that any of them have a TLA or online listing, so we wanted to pass along this information to you. Please note that Birmingham and Murfreesboro will be conducting an Open tournament separate from, but along with, a scholastic tournament at the same location. So if you’ve got chess playing children, they can play too!
Birmingham, AL
Saturday, December 1st, 2018
Nashville Chess Center
Friday, November 30th – Sunday, December 2nd , 2018
2019 Nashville Open City Championship Qualifying Series
(5 available qualifying spots)
Event #1: Standard Chess – Thanksgiving Weekend- (Three players Qualify)
HCC Note: 8 total people, including 3 1900s and 1 2000 are registered so far. A 2400 is a strong maybe for the event.
Entry Fee: $40 to NCC Members ($50 to non-members) – USCF Membership Required, NCC Membership is optional.
Prize Fund: 1st Place – 25% of total entries, 2nd Place – 15% (60% of funds go into 2017 City) + 1st – 3rdqualify for 2017 Nashville City Championship – One open section – Two half byes allowed in any round – must commit before round 2.
Time Control: G/2 hour + 5 second delay
Schedule: Register between 5:30 – 6:30 PM on Friday – Friday,– Round 1: 7 PM. Saturday, – Round 2: 11 AM. Round 3: 4:00 PM. Sunday,– Round 4: 10:00 AM and Round 5: 2:30 PM.
Note: You must live within 50 miles of Nashville to qualify for the championship, but anyone can play in the qualifiers.
Please email to let them know you’re coming.
Murfreesboro TN
Saturday December 1st, 2018
MIDDLE TENNESSEE SCHOLASTIC CHAMPIONSHIP AND OPEN CHESS TOURNAMENT THREE TOURNAMENTS IN ONE UNRATED SCHOLASTIC RATED SCHOLASTIC OPEN TOURNAMENT HOSTED BY: CENTRAL MAGNET SCHOOL 701 East Main Street, Murfreesboro, TN 37130 Saturday, December 1, 2018 This is a great opportunity to gain tournament experience for new and seasoned players. Un-Rated Scholastic Sections: 5 round Swiss pairing G/30 Elementary and Upper School (may vary based on the number of participants) Each player completing the tournament receives a medal Rated Scholastic Sections: 5 round Swiss pairing G/30 with 5 sec. delay Primary (K-3), Elementary (K-6), and High School (K-12) USCF membership is required. Prizes/trophies for top 10 individuals and top 5 teams per section Open Section(s): 4 round Swiss pairing G/50 with 5 sec. delay All Adults and higher rated students USCF membership is required. Cash prizes for top individuals. Advanced Registration Fee: $20 must be received by Tuesday November 27 (Check-In before 8:30) Late Registration Fee: $30 on-site On-site Registration and Check-In: 7:45 – 8:30 am Registrations or Check-Ins After 8:30 may receive a half-point buy in Round 1 Round 1 begins at 9:00 am; all other rounds will start ASAP Concessions: Breakfast Foods, Pizza, Snacks & Drinks Make checks to Central Magnet School Mail the entry form below with entry fee to: Information and questions: Central Magnet School, Attn: Nick Horton Joshua Burns 701 East Main Street, Murfreesboro, TN 37130 Nick Horton – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – < Tear off and return the form below with payment > – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – Entry Form PRINT Name__________________________