Category Archives: Huntsville Chess Club Information

Weekly News 2/18/19 – The HCC Returns from US Amateur Team South Undefeated!

The Huntsville Chess Club emerged battered but unbeaten from the Southern Team Championship Feb 9th and 10th in Kissimmee, Florida.  HCC’s Team of David Hayes, Pat Dowd, Joel and Larisa Friedman earned the 3rd Place Team trophy and Amazon gift cards in the U1500 Section.

Joel also won the top-performance prize for the 3rd board.  HCC’s Team went undefeated in all rounds, but was unable to shake a string of 4 straight draws after winning their first round with wins on all 4 boards.  In the last round, HCC played what could have been the winning team.  However, Pat’s opponent on the second board accepted a draw offer in a complex position insuring our 4th team draw and their second place finish.












Here is David’s commented game from the last round.


Weekly News 2/11/19 – Casual chess and possible Unrated (free) tournament

The Huntsville Chess Club is returning from the U.S. Amateur Team South. It was a great trip! Stay tuned for a blog post highlighting the event.

This week will be your only chance to get your chess club fix in before Feb. 25th, due to the holiday and the library closure on Feb. 18th. Come on out and play some games at the time control of your choosing.

If we have enough interest, we’ll organize a Quick unrated free tournament this week.

2-4-19 Blitz Tournament Results

On Monday, the Huntsville Chess Club held a free, unrated blitz tournament. It was a fun night! 12 people participated and 19 came out to play some chess.

Results are posted below:

1Bill Melvin22099
2Xavier Bruni15957
3Joel Friedman16406
4Miles Melvin19496
5Gabriel Noland12976
6David Hayes17605
7Tomasz Nielsen11845
8Clay McDaniel 10295
9Michael Porterunr4
10Theo Hadleyunr3
11Brandon Cantuunr2
12Larisa Friedman8582

2-4-19 Blitz Tournament Results

On Monday, the Huntsville Chess Club held a free, unrated blitz tournament. It was a fun night! 12 people participated and 19 came out to play some chess.

Results are posted below:

1Bill Melvin22099
2Xavier Bruni15957
3Joel Friedman16406
4Miles Melvin19496
5Gabriel Noland12976
6David Hayes17605
7Tomasz Nielsen11845
8Clay McDaniel 10295
9Michael Porterunr4
10Theo Hadleyunr3
11Brandon Cantuunr2
12Larisa Friedman8582

Weekly News 2/4/19 – What should we do?

Last week, we hosted a free, unrated Quick tournament. It was a lot of fun! Here are the results (with no tiebreaks considered):
Standing Name Quick Rating Score
1 Jonathan Rasberry 1869 3
2 Joel Friedman 1506 3
3 Michael Porter 1316 3
4 David Hayes 1588 2
5 Tomasz Nielsen 1184 2
6 Larisa Friedman unr. 2
7 Theo Handley unr. 1
8 Brandon Cantu unr. 0
What should we do this week? Vote below. As always, feel free to comment with alternative options.

Weekly News 1/21/19 – 2019 Amateur team South /North Application


We won’t be meeting for chess this week, but we still have some exciting news to announce!

The Huntsville Chess Club is interested in sending a team to one of the two following tournaments, the 2019 US Amateur Team South on 8-10 Feb or the 2019 US Amateur Team North on 15-17 Feb. The club is prepared to cover gas, transportation (in an HCC provided vehicle), hotel room, and entry fee for the team.

For those who have not competed in a team event, it’s a lot of fun. The top player of each team is designated “Board 1” and play the top player from the team that they’re up against. “Board 2” plays the 2nd best player, and so on. Instead of moving to a new “Board,” the team will move to a new “Table” to battle it out against a team with the same score for the tournament.

USCF and HCC membership is required to attend. We realize that there is a very short timeline associated with this event, so please register now! The club will choose the team and notify the applicants ASAP once the members have been selected.

If interested, please apply for consideration, using the form below. If you have any questions, email

Register / Renew USCF Membership Here

Renew HCC Membership Here

TLA info is included below:

FEB. 8-10 OR 9-10   FLORIDA

2019 U.S. Amateur Team Championship – South

5SS, G/120 d5 (2-day Option Rd. 1 G/60 d5). Ramada Gateway, 7470 W. Irlo Bronson Memorial Hwy., Kissimmee, FL 34747. 4-player teams (with one optional alternate). Minutes away from Disney, Universal, etc. February temperature mid-70’s. Two sections (each paired separately & with their own prizes). Team average (4 highest ratings – January Supplement) must be under 2200 for Open section & under 1500 for U1500 section. Winning team in Open section qualifies for National playoff online. EF: Per player: $54 by 2/3, $64 later. SPECIAL EF: Team (one entry must be made for all players) $190 by 2/3, $220 later (any team changes $10). Teams from outside Florida will receive $25 off team entry fee. Scholastic teams (same school) receive $10 off team entry fee. PRIZES: Top 1st-3rd place teams & Top Boards 1-4 in each section; Top teams: Open section: U2000 & U1800; U1500 section: Top U1300 & U1000. Also in Open section: Top Senior team (all 50 & above as of 2/8), Top College team (same school). Also in U1500 section: Top Female team, Top High School team (same school), Top Middle School team (same school, grades 6-8), Top Elementary School team (same school). Schedule: 3-day: 1st Rd. Fri. 7:30, 2-Day 1st Rd. Sat. 10; Rds. 2-5 Sat. 1:30, 6:45, Sun. 9:30, 2:45. HR: Inn rooms: $57 until cut-off date, Tower rooms: $72until cut-off date, Reservations can be made by calling 800-327-9170 (mention “chess tournament” for these special group rates). Free parking, Internet, refrigerator (Tower rooms also include a microwave), and transportation to Disney, Universal and other attractions. Group guests also receive 10% off at Hotel food facilities. Ent: Boca Raton Chess Club, 2385 NW Executive Ctr. Dr., Ste. 100, Boca Raton, FL 33431. Online entry & addl, 561-302-4377.

FEB. 15-17 OR 16-17   ILLINOIS

2019 U.S. Amateur Team Championship – North

Open: 5SS, G/90+30/increment, 2-day: rd.1-2 G/60 d5. Hyatt Regency Schaumburg, 1800 E. Golf Rd., Schaumburg, IL 60173. 847-605-1234, $100.00 chess rate single-double-triple-quad until 2/4/19, Free WiFI included with Room! Please reserve early. Open to 4 player teams with one optional alternate. Team average (4 highest ratings – January Rating List) must be under 2200. EF: 3-day $160, per team if received USPS or online 6 PM by February 1st, $180 if received USPS or on-line 6 PM by Feb. 9, $200 on-line until Feb. 15 6 PM and at door. Individuals wishing to play (note: we can guarantee you will play, but won’t guarantee which schedule or the ratings of your team), send $50 and request to be put on a team by USPS and on-line by 2/10 6 PM, $60 thereafter. Team changes on site or after 2/15 6 PM $20. Check out official website for more info and complete prize list. Prizes: Awards to top 3 teams, top teams with average rating u1900, u1600, u1300, and U1000. Winning team qualifies for national play-offs. Awards for Best Team Name, best team composed of juniors (high school and younger), Top College team, Top HS team, Top Senior team (50 and over), Top Mixed doubles team, Best costume or theme. Prizes to top score on each board. Prizes are Amazon gift cards. Rounds: 3-day: onsite registration/check-in 5:30-6:30pm, rds.: 7pm, 10:00am & 4:00pm, 10:00am & 3:30pm. 2-day: on-site registration/check-in from 8:00-9:30am, rds. 10:00am & 1:00pm then merge with 3-day. Midwest Blitz Championship on Saturday night, $550 b/30 entries, $25 by 2/13 USPS or on-line, $30 at site. First round 8 PM, 2 games with each opponent, 5 rounds, see for details. All: Register at after 11/15/18. Checks made payable to and sent to: ChessWeekend, 21694 Doud Ct., Frankfort, IL 60423. Please include team’s name and roster (plus ID#), captain’s email and phone number, and desired schedule., no phone calls please. Boards and Sets will be provided, please bring clocks.

Tactics Competition Results

The results of the HCC’s first ever tactics competition are listed below. It was a ton of fun!

The points listed are out of a possible 30. If you missed out and wanted to try your luck at solving the problems, the worksheet and corresponding solutions are embedded for printing below.

In the future, we’re considering having paid events with prizes awarded to the top of the designated rating classes. If you have any thoughts on this, please comment below.

This and all future results will be archived here.

  1. Andy May (25)
  2. Logan Richie (19)
  3. Pat Dowd (19)
  4. Sarah May (19)
  5. John Dougherty (18)
  6. Thomas Nielson (18)
  7. Willie Sandifer (14)
  8. Michael Porter (8)
  9. David Richie (5)
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