All posts by admin

Chess @ Brahan Springs Rec Center Tonight and the Sunny Street Café on Tuesday

Gerald Larson goes over an informative and interesting game on 6/30/2017.

At 6:30pm this evening, Friday July the 7th, at Brahan Springs Recreation Center, you have a unique FREE opportunity to learn about the game of chess from Life Master, Gerald Larson.

This weekly event is open to chess players of all ages and skill levels and there is something for everyone.  Last week, he lectured on a game to players ranging from novice strength levels through the near expert 1800s, and it was apparent that everyone was able to learn quite a bit from the material.

A fun note from last week – a young man, who very well may have been the lowest rated player, had a chance to show off the skills acquired through time spent practicing tactics by solving a checkmate in 5 puzzle for the group!

Before and after the lecture, there is an opportunity to use what you’ve been studying to challenge one of the other chess players in attendance to a game of a pace of your choosing.  This is also a great time to meet other folks in the area who are just as interested in the game as you are.

As always, please post any questions or comments in the section below and we’ll get back to you with the answer ASAP.

See you there tonight at 6:30pm and back at the Sunny Street Café at 5:30pm on Tuesday!

No Meeting on July 4th – Here’s a Puzzle to Tide you Over

With the Independence Day weekend upon us, we will be skipping chess next Tuesday night (July 4th) and instead leave that time to celebrate with our families and friends.  We’ll see you again on July 11th.

As a gift to keep you busy in the meantime, here’s another tactical exercise from David Hayes.  If you like these puzzles, this problem and more can be found under the tactics’ menu’s Help Me Find a Better Move.

Hayes vs Wang 2017

This is a position from the first round of the June Huntsville Classic. Here White has a strong attack against my King.  If White can get h5 in, then my position will become uncomfortable.  Play could have continued 33. BxB QxB+ 34. QxQ fxQ, and I would have a long, but winable endgame given white’s disconnected and doubled pawns.  However, I was fortunate.  This time, I found the better move.  Can you?

Solution: Hint: Pawn Power

Weekly Info / Help Me Find a Better Move…

We happily welcomed Sean Gould back from his chess hiatus!

The new meeting day/time, seemed to be a pretty big hit last week.  We had some regulars, some new folks, and a guy we hadn’t seen since we changed our meeting night to Sunday who we were happy to see back at the Café.  We hope to see all of you there tonight!

David Hayes has graciously contributed another sample exercise from one of this games.  If you like these puzzles, this problem and more can be found under the tactics’ menu’s Help Me Find a Better Move.

Hayes vs Sankhala 2017

This is a position from the second round of the June Huntsville Classic. Here Black is down a piece and two pawns. In an effort to get back into the game, Black captured my Knight on f3. I quickly saw that 29. gxf3 Ne5+ would recover my Queen after any King move. So play continued 29. Qd4+ Qf6 30. QxQ NxQ 31. Rxa7 and I eventually won the endgame. Still I could have done better.

Solution: Hint: White need not fear the discovered check. Why?

Meeting Day / Time Update

You spoke and your voices were heard!   The majority of responses received via email and via the web poll indicated that Tuesday was the best day for you to attend.  Thanks to all who provided feedback.  This is YOUR club, so it’s important to let us know how you would like it to operate.

Consequently, we will NOT be meeting this Sunday. We will meet again the following Tuesday (6/13). Please stop by and show us that we made the right choice by playing a few games.

Note: The calendar and meet up site have not been updated to reflect this information yet.

Please comment below or contact us if you have any questions or would like to volunteer for any of the many duties necessary to keep the club running smoothly.

The Huntsville Chess Club

Meeting Day Feedback Needed

Since changing to a Sunday meeting time, it seems like we’ve lost quite a few regulars to our chess club.  We’re considering changing back to a weeknight, but want to hear from you on which day/time makes it easiest for you to come out and get a few games in.

Please note that if you have a preference not listed, you can create your own.  However, these are most likely the only times that can be accommodated.  If you would like to provide any recommendation or feedback not able to be captured on this form, please use the “Contact Us” option, or send an email to


A Trip Down Memory Lane

The above is a scan of two documents.  The larger document is my report of the first Alabama State Chess Championship conducted in Huntsville in 1993 published in Chess Life.  I was the President of the HCC at the time.  Note that Huntsville and Madison players did well in the tournament.  You may recognize the young Matthew Puckett in the photo who is still an active player in Huntsville tournaments.  Meidinger and Melvin also did well and are still active players.

The smaller inset document is a report of the 1994 Championship also published in Chess Life the following year.  Note that I won clear 1st in the reserve section with Jerry Wheeler nipping at my heels like he did frequently in those days.
I remember…
-David Hayes

Joshua Thomas McClellan for Chess Club President

Hello HCC members!

Most of you know me well,  but just in case. My name is Joshua Thomas McClellan and I am asking you to support my bid for the Chess club presidency, which will be voted on 3/26/2017 at the Sunny Street Café during our regularly scheduled meeting.
I’ve been an active member of the Huntsville Chess Club for almost 17 years. I’m the current Secretary and former ACF Treasurer. It just occurred to me that I’ve been HCC for half of my existence, as I’m 34. In that time, I’ve directed more tournaments than I can count and enjoyed the privilege of coaching some of the finest people I’ve ever met. I’m currently the senior web developer at the U.S Chess Federation sales office,  which will become important in the next paragraph.
Adult tournaments are suffering hard at the moment. Rated tournaments used to be a dime a dozen in the Tennessee Valley. The problem? A lack of a reasonable playing site. It seems to be the subject of countless discussions that end with no resolution. This next sentence deserves to be at the top of a paragraph..
I’ve just secured the BEST playing site in all of Huntsville history. You’re gonna love this.  The owner of the United States Chess Federation sales office (my boss) has graciously agreed to lend us the facility for the purpose of playing monthly chess tournaments.
1. It’s located within 1 minute of the Wall Triana highway exit on 565.
2 . It’s free.
3. The playing room is insanely huge,  is silent,  well lit,  and climate controlled.
4. It’s a chess store! Imagine walking into a playing hall with wooden sets and boards set up for you. Need scoresheets, clocks, books or any other chess product? Just holler at me and I’ll get it to you within a few minutes of the request.
5. Did I mention that the coolest playing site in Alabama is ours now? And free ?
I’m the right man for this job.  I am promising monthly adult tournaments (scholastic players are also welcome, of course) and support for chess education and training. Despite not learning to play chess until after becoming an adult, I’ve achieved the expert title and am dying for a chance to teach others to do the same for themselves. I also promise complete transparency as well as a balanced board of directors. I promise that all of you will have a say in the direction we go in and I’ll allocate resources for members. Patrick Dowd, for example, is coaching scores of kids in Hampton Cove, largely by himself (maybe completely alone). One of my highest priorities is getting him staffing and logistical support ASAP. I’ll do the same for any of you. Thanks for reading and call / text /email with any questions or concerns you may have. My phone is 256 374 4830.

Josh McClellan Challenge! Win a rated game with Josh and win $10 along with it!

From Josh –

“Joel is going to love this.  I’m offering a $5 bounty on my own head (nobody is going to take a point off of me, so it doesn’t matter :-P)  Off me in a real game and I’ll pay you.  Also, I’m putting my rating points on the line.  Catch me at the club and challenge me to a rated game.  I’ll always accept (time permitting).  I’m a club TD and can submit games for rating.  I’ll even cover the USCF rating fee myself.”

From Don – I’ll match $5 on any win as well.

*Disclaimer – you must be a member in good standing with the USCF and ACF to take advantage of Josh’s offer.

Queen of Hearts Zinger

By David Hayes


This is a position from the second round of the 2017 Queen of Hearts. Here white has just played 35. Bc4 with an eye on my tender pawn on f7, and confident that he will soon win my precious advanced c2 pawn.  I decided to play 35… Bxh5?! with the hope that it might rattle my opponent.  Of course, the immediate capture 36. gxh5 is refuted by 36… Qf4+ and QxR next.  Naturally, white responded by capturing my valuable advanced c-pawn.  After the position stabilized, I could manage no more than a draw.  I finished the tournament in a tie for first place in the Reserve Section.

Solution: Hint: The advanced c-pawn is a winner if it can only get more support.  But how?

More tactical exercises submitted by David Hayes are located at Help me find a better move.

Please email to contribute articles to the site.

Additional Chess tournaments have been posted recently to the Events Calendar that will take place in the coming weeks (click the events menu item for quicker access to specific tournament info).  Hope to see you out there representing the Huntsville Chess Community!