5/4/19 – A group from the Huntsville Chess Club traveled to Nashville, TN to participate in the “Return of the Monthly Swiss” tournament. Despite the rain, or perhaps because of it, they were in high spirits about the day of challenging chess games that lay ahead.

The rounds were fast and furious, with the players hardly getting a chance to breath between them. Lunch was required to be brought in from Hattie B’s, compliments of the Huntsville Chess Club. Both Patrick and Tomasz were brave enough to try the “Shut the cluck up” heat flavor, while Ashish instead opted for the safer, “Damn”.
The tournament concluded with Ashish tied for 2nd place in a field of strong competitors. Abhi tied for a Class prize. Abhi gained an astounding 156 rating points for his performance! Tomasz gained over 100!
For complete tournament results, click here.

The Model X was an instant hit with the engineering/tech geek group.
Following the awards presentation, the battle-worn players headed home. But what trip to Nashville would be complete without a trip to the Tesla dealership?!
Keep up with HCC blogs to catch the next tournament carpool opportunity. They’re always a lot of fun.
See you at the club on Monday!